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European Climate Pact
News article19 June 20243 min read

Sustainable tourism: How to be a green tourist this summer

Sustainable tourism: How to be a green tourist this summer
Sustainable tourism: How to be a green tourist this summer

Travelling abroad can leave a significant carbon footprint. We spoke to Climate Pact Ambassadors Anna Staszewska from Poland and Jesus Iglesias from Spain to discover how we can enjoy our holidays while reducing our impact on the planet.

What is ecotourism to you?


Being green is not about owning a lot of things, but about appreciating nature and people. It’s the same for tourism. Ecotourism is about creating memories you will keep by respecting and appreciating what is around you instead of thinking about what you can buy and have.

What impact can ecotourism have?


The carbon footprint of global tourism is huge. It’s about 8% of total global greenhouse gas emissions.

Ecotourism helps the local economy by supporting small, local businesses. It benefits from the beauty and ecosystem services provided by urban forests, rewilded rivers and restored wetlands which also capture carbon, protect against flooding, reduce pollution and benefit biodiversity and local communities.

What tips can you give to people booking a holiday to make their trip eco-friendly?


First, I recommend you visit local sites by public transport like the bus or train. Even better, cycle there from your home. If you plan to travel by plane, check the websites of different airlines to see if they say they are working on reducing their carbon impact.

Usually, we don’t think of visiting cities as ecotourism but it can be. We can buy local food and locally-made souvenirs. We can respect and learn from local traditions and ways of life.

Check accommodation websites to find places which are more sustainable. For example, do they harvest rainwater, limit their energy use or maybe have a garden where they grow vegetables for their restaurant?

You could also think about visiting areas that have been affected by disasters like wildfires. These areas and communities living there need our support.

Once on holiday, how can a tourist behave in an eco-friendly way?


Use less water, only use air conditioning when absolutely necessary, don’t rush, avoid crowds and tourist traps. Use local guides, walk, cycle, take public transport. Enjoy the geography of the place you are visiting.

Listen, observe, appreciate the traditions of the place, learn eco-responsible practices you could replicate or tell people about.

How do you make your behaviour as eco-friendly as possible?


I am always thinking of new ways to be eco-friendly, for example by not eating much meat and when I travel for a conference, I try to combine it with a holiday to reduce the amount I travel. This summer I am staying local – I will go kayaking on Polish rivers so I can feel the connection with nature.

Can you give an example of ecotourism?


Tourists can do local walking and cycling tours in the cities and the countryside they visit. In Malaga we go up a mountain where we can see the impact of sea level rise. We can also see the areas of the city with fewer trees and green spaces that are mostly poorer neighbourhoods. That way we also reflect about the connection between social injustice and the climate crisis. We visit urban gardens, eco shops, neighbourhood associations and cultural centres. We also talk to migrants who may have arrived because of the impacts of climate change.

We show people it is joyful to take action together – you can have a good time.

Do you have any other eco tips?


If you think green, you behave green. But it is also important to change a little at a time. It’s easier to make it if you take small steps – a bit like going on a diet! If 1,000 people take one small step, things will be better.

This article was originally published on 20 July 2023.


Publication date
19 June 2024