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European Climate Pact
Conferences and summits

Satellite event: Green Matrix Summit

Gathering of public, private and academic partners in discussions and panels searching the way for more resilient and sustainable society.

GREEN MATRIX SUMMIT dedicated to the promotion and development of new skills necessary for the green and digital transition and transformation of the economy, as well as, upgrading the level of awareness about the climate change and the importance of the European Green Deal 2030 and UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 for the welfare and health of citizens and future generations. 
Accelerated climate, social and socioeconomic challenges demand pivotal change in the way of thinking, offering new technological solutions, and new economy with more focus on ecological footprint and lifestyle changes. The need for quick action and a radical turnaround are an additional challenge to achieving resilience for the future.

New trends are looking for new leaders and change makers, who will integrate environmental, social and management criteria in a new just and sustainable practice throughout the world.

City of Osijek, as a scientific, economic, social and cultural center geographically located in the east part of Croatia, is also positioned as a center for the implementation of new knowledge and skills in upgrading the economy, both in agricultural production, accompanying the food industry, a particularly prominent ICT sector and creative industries. Potential in creating a sustainable development strategy, based on the green economy, with an emphasis on sustainable resource management and at the same time resistant to global changes.

The reason is OSIJEK-BARANJA COUNTY is organizing the GREEN MATRIX SUMMIT, in Osijek, on the premises of the new Economic Center from 28 - 29. November 2024, and round off the activities initiated at the educational, scientific and economic level in the promotion of the development of new skills that accompany the development of new technologies.

We are expecting a large number of keynote speakers and representatives of renowned companies in Croatia and EU, which are leaders of change and represent different industry leaders, and representatives of global corporations and chambers of commerce from several EU countries, scientific institutions, and a large number of participants, primarily young people, given that currently University in Osijek more than 15,000 young people from the target group.

SUMMIT is open to everyone interested primarily entrepreneurs, students, innovators, leaders and creators of development policies.

Several thematic stages will be organized, where participants will have the opportunity to present, discuss, network and connect to exchange experiences, implement new ideas into future practical solutions such as:

  • Telecommunications, digitization and climate impact
  • Food processing Industry and new functional food 
  • Global impact and new climate economy 
  • New ICT ERA and 5th ind. Revolution
  • Gaming industry
  • Sports and adrenaline activities in the digital era
  • New skills and new jobs 
  • New European Bauhaus
  • Audiovisual Media and new technologies
Satellite event: Green Matrix Summit
  • sustainable development
  • Thursday 28 November 2024, 10:00 - Friday 29 November 2024, 16:00 (CET)
  • Osijek, Croatia

Practical information

Thursday 28 November 2024, 10:00 - Friday 29 November 2024, 16:00 (CET)
Gospodarska zona
Gospodarska zona 10, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
English, Croatian
Economic centre of Osijek baranja county
Learn more