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European Climate Pact
Conferences and summits

Satellite event: Ecovillages & Education 2024!

The event will explore the types of education that empower individuals (children and adults) to thrive in ecovillages as well as how these communities can foster innovative educational approaches for all, while building the European Green Deal.

In this event we will explore the types of education that empower individuals (children and adults) to thrive in ecovillage settings as well as how these communities can foster innovative educational approaches for all. Our aim is to highlight the intersection of sustainable living and lifelong learning, showcasing how ecovillages can serve as models for community-centered education.

Through a series of engaging talks and hands-on workshops, we aim to provide valuable tools and knowledge for cultivating another way of education within ecovillages and for ecovillages, highlighting also the difficulties of such a path and which educational tools we can be equipped with to face these challenges.

This conference is designed for educators, ecovillage residents, sustainability advocates, policymakers, and anyone interested in the future of education and sustainable living.

Satellite event: Ecovillages & Education 2024!
  • environmental impact | educational exchange | green infrastructure
  • Wednesday 2 October 2024, 15:00 - 21:30 (CEST)

Practical information

Wednesday 2 October 2024, 15:00 - 21:30 (CEST)
English, French
Gabrielle Franck
Register here