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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Sweden

Mikael Nilsson

Mikael Nilsson
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • just transition
  • other
  • Sweden



I am not only a Climate Pact Ambassador, I am also a husband, a father and an engaged volunteer and concerned citizen of how we together can make our planet become a better place to live and coexist on.

Together with the Inner Development Goals (IDG) I am convinced that the work to reach the SDG will go faster. We have to go from knowing to doing! The shift from linear to circular economy and sustainable consumption must spread and become everyone's first choice.

Time is running out and our knowledge about how to make sustainable choices has to increase. I work in public health care using the standard of ISO 14001 to undertake audits of environment and risks that are connected with dangerous waste and chemicals. I coordinate a local IDG hub in Gothenburg and do volunteer work at a documentary film club.