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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Greece

Melina Dunham

Melina Dunham
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • other
  • Greece



I am a Greek-American from San Francisco with a background in international affairs, human rights, and social impact. Since receiving my M.A. in International Public Management from SciencesPo Paris School of International Affairs, I have worked for UNDP, UNICEF, and a social impact consulting firm. I have been a part of non-profits in the U.S., Greece, and France, focusing on a variety of issues, but all towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. I have a B.A. in Political Science from Barnard College of Columbia University. As Ecogenia’s development manager, I am inspired by our mission and vision, and am humbled to be a part of a team of incredible people committed to building a better future for Greece.

As an Ambassador, I plan to engage my community and inspire action through social media updates, knowledge dissemination, and practical activities.