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European Climate Pact

Iepazīstieties ar mūsu sūtņiem

Eiropas Klimata pakta sūtņi ir cilvēki, kuriem klimatrīcība ir sirdslieta un kuri vēlas panākt pārmaiņas.

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Iepazīstieties ar mūsu sūtņiem (929)

Tiek rādīts(i) 1 līdz 20 rezultāti
Hawkar Abdulhaq
  • Pact Ambassador for Hungary
hawkar [dot] geoscienceatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As a dedicated environmentalist and visionary leader, I have founded and led a successful non-profit organisation that spearheads innovative climate action initiatives globally. Through strategic community engagement and dynamic partnership-building, I have leveraged my expertise and network to achieve significant milestones in tackling climate change and protecting the environment. I am committed to advancing our climate action approach and collaborating with like-minded individuals and organisations to build a more sustainable future for our planet and future generations.

Thematic areas
  • energy
  • biodiversity protection
  • Hungary
Noah Abela
  • Pact Ambassador for France
noah_abelaatoutlook [dot] com

From the bustling streets of Paris and London to the dynamic landscapes of Dubai, I have been an advocate for climate action, particularly within the sphere of the automobile industry's energy transition. My passion for the planet and sustainable design began early on, leading me to pursue studies in architecture at University of Westminster. During my academic pursuits, I did not confine my vision to blueprints and building models. Instead, I ventured into the rapidly evolving world of electric vehicles. Collaborating with innovative teams in the Middle East, I played a pivotal role as a designer in the development of electric charger points for EVs. These designs were not just functional; they embodied a vision of a future where clean energy and urban aesthetics converge. While my roots are firmly planted in architectural design, my heart beats for a world that transitions to cleaner, sustainable energy options. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • communication and awareness raising
  • energy
  • biodiversity protection
  • construction
  • green skills
  • transport
  • zero pollution
  • France
Daniela Acquadro Maran
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy

Since 2019 I conduct investigations into the negative consequence of climate anxiety in young adults. These consequences have an impact on the mental health of individuals that perceived themselves and their community as unable to purpose effective behavior to mitigate climate change. The scientific literature on this issue suggested that the perception of self and community efficacy could lead to adopting pro-environmental behavior. I would study this phenomenon and spread information about it.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • other
  • Italy
Damilola Adeyanju
  • Pact Ambassador for Netherlands
dfadeyanjuatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Damilola is a driven Net Zero Professional with a strong energy transition and climate change background. As a Chartered Energy Manager, she displays an unshakable commitment to driving progress in energy transition pathways, attaining ambitious net-zero targets, and leaving a lasting impact on the SDGs. She advocates collaborative efforts to create a sustainable future. Her enthusiasm spills over into volunteer and thought leadership initiatives in energy and environment. She has presented her ideas and vision through various thought leadership articles and speaking engagements.

Damilola serves as a Global Future Energy Leader with the World Energy Council and is a founding member and co-lead of the National Future Energy Leaders in the Netherlands. Damilola was notably recognized as one of the standout performers in the SEforALL and Enel Foundation Open Africa Program for the 2022 cohort. Since August 2023, she has been appointed to the Municipal Advisory Committee for Energy at Enlit Africa. Damilola works as a Systems Programme Manager within the EP100 programme at Climate Group. In her capacity, Damilola leads the Renovation Revolution project, a collaborative sub-project of EP100 involving 8 partner organizations.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • energy
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • Netherlands
Puneet Agarwal
  • Pact Ambassador for Ireland
puneetagarwal022atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As an Ambassador, I am committed to promoting sustainable practices and innovative solutions in project management. My planned activities include leading community initiatives to reduce carbon footprints by organizing workshops on ISO standards, such as ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 50001 for energy efficiency. By raising awareness and educating the community on these standards, I aim to inspire positive environmental change and foster a more sustainable future.

Thematic areas
  • education and training
  • communication and awareness raising
  • energy
  • Ireland
Konstantinos Agorastos
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador representing the European Committee of the Regions in Greece
periferiarxisatthessaly [dot] gov [dot] gr

We have not only a political but also a moral obligation to implement environmentally friendly policies. The challenge of climate change is not just a problem we have to deal with but at the same time an opportunity for sustainable, green growth.The Region of Thessaly is leading in this effort and is a region with a deep green environmental footprint. 

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • biodiversity protection
  • construction
  • transport
  • Greece
Antonio Aguilera Nieves
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain
Social media links

Soy voluntario ambiental con el claro convencimiento de que la mejor acción es el ejemplo. 

Vivo en Andalucía, una de las zonas de la UE donde mayor es el impacto del Cambio Climático. 

Lograr mantener los equilibrios naturales y conseguir que el progreso de las personas sea compatible con la biodiversidad es nuestro gran reto colectivo de los próximos años.

Para ello debemos sustentar nuestras acciones en la conciencia y en hábitos de compra y consumo responsables con todos.

I am an environmental volunteer with the clear conviction that the best action is by example.

I live in Andalusia, one of the areas of the EU where the impact of Climate Change is greatest.

Maintaining natural balances and ensuring that people's progress is compatible with biodiversity is our great collective challenge for the coming years.

To do this, we must support our actions in awareness and in responsible purchasing and consumption habits with everyone.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • energy
  • biodiversity protection
  • water management, blue economy
  • food systems
  • Spain
Anar Ahmad-zada
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovak Republic
Social media links

As a person that grew up with a comfort of a modern life’s pleasures, it took it’s time until I’ll make myself aware at what cost it is coming. Indeed, it made me first sad and sorrow. Thinking the ways to overcome them brought me to world where science on hands with ecology and universe presents us a smart way of existence. The world where we one step forward in understanding our planet better and cooperating with it smarter.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • energy
  • biodiversity protection
  • construction
  • food systems
  • transport
  • Slovakia
Silvia Anna Ainio
  • Pact Ambassador for Belgium
silvia [dot] ainioatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a climate enthusiast, policy wonk and teacher, keen to untangle the complexity of climate change and sustainable finance by engaging in acts of awareness raising with the youth. I have a wide experience on climate change and climate finance in both the multilateral, supranational and private sector, and have been leading the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers in Brussels, a network of inspiring young people under the age of 30 working together to address local, regional, and global challenges in their region. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • communication and awareness raising
  • Belgium
Teodora Cristiana Akinola
  • Pact Ambassador for Romania
teonicaaaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a dedicated climate and social justice activist, serving as President of the Diaspora Solidarity Group. I aim to create transformative initiatives in Romania and beyond that empower marginalized communities, especially women and refugees. Through engaging workshops and inspiring campaigns, I will highlight their unique challenges in climate resilience. Together, we can champion inclusive climate solutions that uplift local voices and foster a sustainable future for all.

Thematic areas
  • behaviour change and climate psychology
  • education and training
  • communication and awareness raising
  • Romania
Lilla Albert
  • Pact Ambassador for Hungary
albert [dot] lillaatproton [dot] me
Social media links

As the Founder of the Grant Compass Platform and Head of Advocacy at the World Disaster Center, I bring together hands-on experience and a passion for systemic change. Having facilitated climate workshops in six countries and cycled 6,000 km to raise climate awareness, my focus is now on democratizing access to climate action and building resilience. I work to ensure that funding and climate resilience tools reach all communities, regardless of their location or capacity.

Thematic areas
  • climate adaptation and resilience
  • education and training
  • communication and awareness raising
  • Hungary
Jordi Alcon Molina
  • Pact Ambassador for Spain
jordi [dot] alconatvistabelladelmaestrat [dot] es
Social media links

As an ambassador, you can set an example that things are achieved step by step. Every action is important, no matter how small. Achieving a 60% reduction in municipal consumption in a municipality with only 334 inhabitants is a significant feat.

I believe I can raise awareness among the citizens and other municipalities as a success story in green policies and the fight against climate change.

Furthermore, the media visibility I have as the mayor of my town will allow me to reach a broader audience, both nationally and within the European Union.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • biodiversity protection
  • just transition
  • Spain
Zoi Aliozi
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
dr [dot] zalioziatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

As a climate justice expert, educator and activist, I am eager to take on the role of Ambassador for the European Climate Pact. With over a decade of expertise in climate justice, I plan to engage with the Pact Community by actively participating in online groups and by sharing the Pact's vital messages and campaigns through various communication channels, including social media, also promoting opportunities for others to become Pact Ambassadors. I will leverage my expertise by writing articles, giving presentations, and creating knowledge materials to facilitate workshops in universities and schools, thereby empowering the younger generation to take meaningful climate action. Moreover, as an activist at heart, I am committed to organising and participating in events that have visible connections with the Climate Pact, ensuring that their actions align closely with the objectives of the Pact, and inspire others to join the climate action movement. 

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • just transition
  • other
  • zero pollution
  • Greece
Alexia Alvarez Franco
  • Pact Ambassador for France
alexiaatclimatopolis [dot] fr

I will organise the implementation of IT and digital tools in order to communicate on new developments and issues related to environmental issues. I will be responsible for organising face-to-face events intended to promote greentech companies to an uninformed public.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • energy
  • construction
  • transport
  • zero pollution
  • France
Ambassador Lorena Álvarez-Sala Villazón
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain
Social media links

I live in Asturias, a privileged place that makes people aware of the need of their care and protection.

We need to know the worst problem we face as humanity, the climate change, and the best solutions we have to deal with it.

That's why I enjoy creating content and researching from a multidisciplinary perspective as an environmental scientist. It's time to act.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • water management, blue economy
  • Spain
Mauro  Amoruso
  • Pact Ambassador for Italy
mauro [dot] amoruso [dot] itaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a project manager in the field of EU-funded projects targeting sustainability and climate change mitigation. I also pursue a Ph.D. in sustainability and resilience along the food supply chain. I strongly believe that everyone's impact counts, both negatively and positively. For this reason, it is paramount to do all we can to curb Climate Change, the challenge of our century. In light of this, my mission is to raise awareness among people about what they can do to save our planet.

Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • food systems
  • Italy
Boglárka Amrein Tamásné Miskolczi
  • Pact Ambassador for Hungary
miskolczi [dot] boglarkaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am the dreamer of the Bird-Human cooperation system. I have been living and working in nature for more than a decade, so I was able to experience first-hand how much has changed around us in just a few years. And this change warns of many things - we must all hear its alarm bells. As an ambassador, my aim is to open the door of nature and to introduce as many people as possible to the dangers, big questions and proposed solutions of the roads ahead of us. I would like to introduce my followers to the world of the livable future, in which we not only discover the beauties of the world around us, but also do everything to ensure that these treasures remain with us for a long time. Whether it is nature, biodiversity, sustainable production, green solutions, responsible consumption or a change of attitude - I will be there to help!

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • biodiversity protection
  • food systems
  • Hungary
Ioannis Anastasakis
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
anastasakisatcrete [dot] gov [dot] gr
Social media links

As an Ambassador, I will focus on promoting sustainable development in line with EU goals. This includes establishing the GSTC certification system for tourism, supporting sustainable agriculture with climate resilience tools, leading reforestation efforts in desertified areas, raising climate awareness through educational programs, and advancing sustainable mobility with improved infrastructure and eco-friendly solutions. My work aims to create regional sustainability models.

Thematic areas
  • climate policy development and implementation
  • communication and awareness raising
  • construction
  • Greece
Sotirios Anastasopoulos
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
soti [dot] anastasopoulosatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a passionate climate advocate with experience in policy development and community engagement. As a European Climate Pact Ambassador, I plan to organize a European Youth Event in Greece focused on climate action and sustainability discussions for young people. Additionally, I will launch a local climate awareness campaign on social media and conduct workshops in schools to engage students. I hope to inspire a sense of responsibility toward the environment and promote sustainable practices.

Thematic areas
  • climate policy development and implementation
  • communication and awareness raising
  • water management, blue economy
  • Greece
Sofie Nicoline Andersen
  • Pact Ambassador for Denmark
Sofie [dot] n [dot] andersenatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am dedicated to fostering sustainable business and engaging young professionals in the green economy. As VP of Gaia Hovedstaden I lead events and social media, collaborating with partners to amplify green initiatives. As an ambassador, I aim to inspire action by uniting and promoting sustainable practices. With a background in international business and experience in sustainability consulting, I bridge policy and impactful environmental action, driving innovation for a sustainable future.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • food systems
  • Denmark