Simon Sterck - European Union Skip to main content
An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
European Climate Pact
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Belgium

Simon Sterck

Ambassador Simon Sterck
Thematic areas
  • communication and awareness raising
  • biodiversity protection
  • green skills
  • food systems
  • Belgium



As a law student and young climate activist, I am fighting for more climate justice in this world.

I try to do this at both the local level, on the board of Leuven 2030, and at the international level, as one of the Belgian United Nations youth representatives on Sustainable Development. I advocate among others for less fossil fuels and more climate education. Together with other engaged citizens, I organise climate strikes and cultural climate projects to raise awareness. Panel discussions and lectures also help to achieve this goal.

When we work together we can make the unthinkable possible. Climate justice, now!