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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Slovakia

Martin Šinka

Martin Šinka
Thematic areas
  • energy
  • other
  • Slovakia



My name is Martin Šinka and I am currently working as Jr. economic analyst at the Value for Money Unit of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. The sphere of my professional interests includes mostly energy-related topics. Within my mandate, I intend to examine the current state of support for RES deployment in Slovakia and in collaboration with other responsible state authorities, energy sector’s representatives as well as other stakeholders, offer viable solutions for more intense usage of solar and wind potential in my country.

Apart from that, as a European Climate Pact Ambassador I would like to increase young generation’s awareness about the green economy. I believe that proper understanding and implementation of this concept may accelerate the pace of climate change mitigation. Therefore, I am eager to use my knowledge and professional experience to clearly explain to young people how the green economy really works and why it is so promising.