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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Germany

Marie Johanna Trautmann

Marie Johanna Trautmann
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • Germany



As a climate pact ambassador, I would like to create spaces for discourse in the context of the climate crisis. since we are dealing with a complex, unclear, ambiguous global problem with drastic and unfairly distributed consequences, it is important to bring people back into dialogue and joint action. I see art as one way of doing this.

Art is inherently ambiguous and requires personal involvement. It is capable of juxtaposing different perspectives and creating collaborative moments. I would like to use this potential in the field of education to train art teachers for the future who can deal with the ecological crisis in a meaningful way and go into schools as multipliers.

I see my task as an art educator in a holistic education that creates networks and relationships between human beings and with the world through the means of art.