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European Climate Pact
  • Pact Ambassador for Sweden

Maria Soxbo

Maria Soxbo
Thematic areas
  • circular economy
  • communication and awareness raising
  • Sweden



As a journalist and ”greenfluencer”, communication is my number one tool to inspire climate action and change. I dedicate my time to raise awareness about the flaws and injustices of our current way of life and the advantages of a climate-friendly lifestyle, primarily through lectures, books, articles, blogposts, podcast episodes and posts in social media. The personal gains of having a climate-friendly lifestyle and living in a society within the planetary boundaries are often over-looked in politics, media and the current social debate, and we need more positive visions of what a transformed society could look like.

I am also the co-founder of a climate organisation, Klimatklubben (Climate Club), which helps citizens find easy (and fun!) ways to engage in climate action, sustainability work and system change on a regional as well as national level.