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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Spain

Júlia Isern

Júlia Isern
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • just transition
  • sustainable transport
  • Spain



As a climate ambassador, I am committed to raising climate change awareness in Mallorca. The tourism industry is our major greenhouse gas emitter, urging an economic model re-evaluation. Rising temperatures threaten tourism, emphasising the climate crisis's severity and the need for diversification.

As a Climate Fresk facilitator, I will host educational workshops to empower participants, turning climate anxiety into action. As a podcaster I will continue addressing environmental impacts and promoting sustainable practices.

The climate crisis can be overwhelming, leaving many feeling helpless. Therefore, I am committed to emphasising the positive progress we are making, rather than solely focusing on negative aspects. We must nurture hope and inspire action, as it is crucial for people to truly understand that combating climate change is not only possible but necessary for our collective well-being.