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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Malta

Hailey Ciantar

Hailey Ciantar
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Malta



I am a Global Law student at Tilburg University, hailing from Malta. My passion lies in advocating for a greener, safer, and fairer world. Currently, I am igniting change at the European level as a European Climate Pact Ambassador.

Throughout my term, I am focusing on raising awareness about the invaluable role our natural environments play in our economy and quality of life. I channel this mission through writing articles for a law magazine, exploring the relationship between climate justice and law. Furthermore, I am the host of "Bioeconomy Matters," a podcast available on Spotify as well as other listening platforms. This podcast is more than just a podcast. It aims to be a platform for inspiring change, making bioeconomy a household topic, and unlocking the potential of a greener, more sustainable Europe.

My advocacy extends to social media, under the handle @haileyciantar, where I strive to inspire change and promote environmental and humanitarian justice.