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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation

Planet Caretakers

Planet Caretakers logo
  • Portugal
Thematic area
  • Climate Action and Mitigation
  • Education, awareness building and behavioural change
  • Circular economy and waste management
  • Arts and Culture Citizen Science

Planet Caretakers is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental preservation. Our mission is to empower communities to become stewards of the environment by fostering awareness, education, and climate action. We prioritise environmental aims such as mitigating the impact of human activities on natural ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainable practices.

Our climate action priorities include tackling issues such as waste management, pollution reduction, and carbon footprint minimization. Through our various initiatives, we aim to inspire collective action for a cleaner and healthier planet.

Key service offerings related to sustainability include organising clean-ups and raising awareness about waste in diverse ecosystems, promoting recycling and waste reduction initiatives, and engaging the community in environmental advocacy and awareness campaigns.

At Planet Caretakers, we believe in the power of collective effort and individual responsibility in addressing environmental challenges. By working together and taking meaningful action, we strive to create a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.


debora [dot] saatplanetcaretakers [dot] org