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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation


Ecsite logo
  • Belgium
Thematic area
  • Climate Action and Mitigation
  • Education, awareness building and behavioural change
  • Science and Technology

Ecsite is the European Association of more than 320 Science Centres and Museums. Critical to both Ecsite and its members are sustainable improvements in their own activities as well as effective communication to engage with the public and stimulate behavioural change.

Ecsite supports its members with up-to-date resources, webinars and a strong focus on biodiversity and the climate crisis in its flagship event, the annual Conference.

In 2023, Ecsite created a Climate pledge and is supporting the Ecsite Environmental Emergency Action. This activity supports our members in a range of sustainability subjects, ranging from developing sustainable exhibitions to incentivising visitors to travel more sustainably. Ecsite’s climate action priorities are to share our learnings and seek more opportunities to support our members.


nhamiltonatecsite [dot] eu