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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation


  • Belgium
Thematic area
  • Climate Action and Mitigation
  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  • Education, awareness building and behavioural change
  • Policy and Governance

ECOLISE recognises the unprecedented ecological, social, economic and political threats to dignified life on planet Earth. These threats have been provoked by centuries of extractive and exploitative practices, a structural dependence on unconstrained economic growth, and the spread of unsustainable lifestyles.

Even so, there is hope in solutions that are being continuously developed by community-led initiatives across Europe and the world. ECOLISE aims to leverage the growing interest in these life-affirming approaches by bringing the demands of community-led initiatives to the EU level.

ECOLISE members include international networks of community-based initiatives such as the Transition Network (representing over 1200 Transition initiatives), the Global Ecovillage Network (15,000 ecovillages), the Permaculture movement (3 million practitioners globally) and ICLEI, the association of local governments for sustainability; national and regional networks; and other specialist bodies engaged in European-level research, training and communications to support community-led action on climate change and sustainability.

ECOLISE’s vision is to achieve a just and regenerative future for all within planetary boundaries, driven by transformative community-led climate action. ECOLISE’s goal is to have at least 25% of the European population engaged in transformative community-led climate action by 2030, reaching the tipping point for transformative social change.


infoatecolise [dot] eu