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European Climate Pact
non-profit organisation


Ecogenia logo
  • Greece
Thematic area
  • Climate Action and Mitigation
  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  • Education, awareness building and behavioural change
  • Youth generation

Ecogenia is on its way to building a national youth climate corps for Greece. It is the first nonprofit organisation of its kind to be offering a paid service term for youth (18-30) to lead local climate action projects, while receiving professional development and training.

Ecogenia’s mission is to mobilise young people to accelerate localised climate action through the civic service model. Its vision is a generation of active climate citizens working together for a sustainable and resilient Greece.

In just three years, Ecogenia has successfully executed three pilot projects serving youth and local communities around ecotourism and environmental education. These projects engaged 25 cohort members who served 6,500 hours and reached over 1,000 community members. In 2024, the organisation kicked off its first service project focusing on disaster prevention and climate resilience in the Olympus National Park.

Ecogenia has also been recognized on the European stage, having been selected as the 2022 national winners of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize and the 2023 European Regional Winners for the Ashoka Green Changemakers Challenge. In offering a civic service model, Ecogenia serves as a partner - both strategic and programmatic - in advancing local, regional, national, and European sustainability goals.


infoatecogenia [dot] org