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European Climate Pact

Faceți cunoștință cu ambasadorii noștri

Faceți cunoștință cu ambasadorii Pactului climatic european, oameni care se dedică acțiunilor de combatere a schimbărilor climatice.

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Faceți cunoștință cu ambasadorii noștri (843)

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  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovak Republic
enviroatmuzeumbs [dot] sk

Our museum seeks to dive in, explore, and eventually employ the principles of environmental sustainability in scientific research, museum management, and educational programs. As a cultural institution which seeks to connect and engage in dialogues with our communities, we take responsibility in education about the threats and hopes surrounding the climate crises discourse. My main role is to engage in educational activities with children and adolescents, in hope to inspire for such dialogues.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Slovakia
  • Pact Ambassador for France
pastel [dot] gabrielleatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

At just 20 years old, Gabrielle co-directs the production of a podcast that features stories of individuals from around the world, both young and not-so-young, who are making a difference in their own ways for sustainable development - Causes Toujours!.

During her internship at The Boson Project, a consultancy firm specialised in human excellence, she started working for Youth Forever, an organisation that would become her partner in creating this podcast and write various articles on the expectations of the Gen Z around the world.

In parallel to her studies in a double major of Management and Modern Languages at King's College London, and an exchange year in Mexico, Gabrielle is actively involved in various forms of engagement for a fairer and more sustainable society.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • just transition
  • France
  • Pact Ambassador for Portugal
frpauperioatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am 28 years-old and from Porto, Portugal. I am a bioinformatician, currently doing a PhD in Integrative Biology and Biomedicine. I am a Candidate for the primaries for the next european elections and I will push for the climate agenda in the portuguese politics landscape.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • just transition
  • Portugal
  • Pact Ambassador for Italy
chiaraatvenissa [dot] it
Social media links

I am a chef working at the Michelin Starred Restaurant Venissa.

As a Climate Ambassador, I will continue to promote healthier and more sustainable nutrition and to raise awareness on the food-climate-environment nexus by working with my staff, customers and suppliers on a daily basis, as well as by engaging other chefs and people at large on this topic through the activities of the LIFE Climate Smart Chefs project. 

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • sustainable food
  • Italy
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Croatia
kajapavlinic0atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

Sustainable Development Forum Green Window is a Croatian organization for youth which aims to educate young people about sustainable development climate change the institutions of the European Union and the importance of civic participation. We are very passionate about involving young people in fighting climate change and ensuring a more prosperous future. Kaja Pavlinić its' president is an activist and is very passionate about youth work and empowering young people to raise their voices.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Croatia
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy

As a Climate Ambassador, I have the opportunity and platform to do something really positive within my community.

It's a great opportunity to promote positive climate actions in a local context.

My focus is to interconnect local climate activists with other relevant networks and stakeholders, also across Europe, talking about climate change during regular interactions and activities, especially to those who are not yet involved in climate action.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green skills
  • sustainable transport
  • Italy
  • Pact Ambassador for Portugal
Social media links

I am a researcher on environmental policy, host of the Mission Regeneration podcast and member of the Governmental taskforce for the creation of a national green investment plan for Portugal.

My commitment as European Climate Pact Ambassador is to inform and raise awareness about the impact of regenerative development initiatives within the EU space, as an empowerment tool to increase the engagement of more cities, corporations and citizens in restoring and healing the environment, our home.

I commit to develop:

-Podcast season with interviews with inspiring EU Regeneration initiatives

-12 EU Green Deal national implementation workshops in Portugal

-Premiere the documentary "Regenerative cities of the future"

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • just transition
  • other
  • Portugal
  • Pact Ambassador for Hungary
pege [dot] gyulaatyahoo [dot] com
Social media links

Despite being a minor, I am committed to take action against climate change in every way possible. My goal is to raise awareness and educate others on such complex topics as global warming and climate mitigation.

Being an Ambassador not only gives me the opportunity to make my voice heard, but also to able to get to know others' opinions and perspectives, because from my point of view we can only improve things if we work together and share our experiences with one another. For that reason, I am dedicated to cooparating with several organisations and institutions, in order to make a difference.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Hungary
  • Pact Ambassador for Greece
mpeiou2003atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am an unwavering advocate for environmental sustainability, steadfast in my conviction that collective action is the fulcrum for overcoming our global challenges. As a dedicated Pact Ambassador, I am fueled by an unyielding commitment to cultivate awareness and drive substantive transformation within my sphere of influence. My approach hinges on orchestrating immersive and hands-on DIY workshops that not only equip individuals with practical sustainability tools but also kindle a profound appreciation for diversity and inclusivity. In my role, I aspire to not merely interact with diverse groups but to co-create an environment that beckons all, where backgrounds and perspectives converge to ignite innovation in sustainable practices. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge webinars, forging collaborative ventures that transcend boundaries, and deeply valuing the kaleidoscope of perspectives that diversity brings, I aim to empower individuals to catalyse enduring change.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • Greece
  • Climate Pact Ambassador for Spain
Social media links

My motivation consists of helping to form critical, active, supportive, committed and co-responsible citizenship with their environment and with people, through social networks. My aim is that the information does not remain only on the screen, but that what is learned and shared digitally manifests in tangible results.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Spain
  • Pact Ambassador for Bulgaria
Social media links

In 2020 I translated the En-ROADS climate simulator in Bulgarian and became the only Climate Ambassador of the tool in Bulgaria. En-ROADS is a global climate simulator that allows users to explore the impact of roughly 30 policies-such as electrifying transport, pricing carbon, and improving agricultural practices-on hundreds of factors like energy prices, temperature, air quality, and sea level rise.

So far, we have shown it to over 400 students in high schools in the city of Varna, Bulgaria and we are looking to expand it to universities, companies and institutions. I will be happy to partner with you and invite you (and your team) to a climate workshop. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Bulgaria
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany
Social media links

I am set to:

1) galvanise highly diverse communities of knowledge and ability with varying degrees of experience towards a greener Europe;

2) empower citizens with tools and toolkits in line with the New European Bauhaus approach;

3) provide them with methods which stimulate common understanding;

4) empower citizens to enable a just transition to food production and waste revalorization with fair access to nutrition options, and

5) create open business models and collaborative systems.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • Germany
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain
Social media links

There is no doubt that Climate Change is THE GREAT CHALLENGE for our generation and future ones to overcome. Facing the societal transformation that is needed in order to minimise its effects is an urge that must be tackled in our daily lives. As a scientist I deeply value the transformation power that sharing our knowledge among the society has to raise awareness. As ambassador I am aiming to raise awareness by sharing my knowledge while actively push for a change. 

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Spain
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain
Social media links

Born in Malaga, in the south of Spain, my goal as an ambassador of the Pact is to act as a liaison between the academic, technical, and scientific realms and various social groups. My approach involves utilizing education and communication strategies tailored to the local populace to empower them with a deeper understanding of climate change issues, enabling them to make informed and responsible decisions. My aim is to ensure that all residents of Malaga have access to information about the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to the climate crisis within their immediate surroundings, through tangible, inclusive, and participatory initiatives.

With a background in biology and a master's degree in Ecology and Education, I currently serve as the director of socio-environmental projects at Social Climate, an Andalusian cooperative dedicated to catalyzing social innovation for climate action and justice at both local and international levels. Our efforts encompass economic localization, Nature-based Solutions, environmental education, and responsible tourism.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • Spain
  • Climate Pact Ambassador for Spain
Social media links

I believe in people as a fundamental pillar for creating cities with healthy and sustainable DNA, because only people are capable of changing paradigms and betting on technologies with more human sides. I am in love with sport, wellness and health, and for that reason I am the CEO/Founder of a startup based on a health and wellness mobile app, aiming to reduce involuntary sedentary lifestyles and promote the economic revival of cities, hand in hand with local businesses and sustainable mobility.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • sustainable transport
  • Spain
  • Pact Ambassador for Sweden
ullamarie [dot] peterssonatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I am a Climate Community Organiser leading a local climate non-profit organisation to speed up the transition to a sustainable society. Social movements, as well as collaboration between the municipality, civil society and local business is key to anchor and create acceptability for green transition. I am also a Climate Change Coach and an L&D professional, helping individuals, groups and sustainability leaders to engage with climate action and developing the transformational skills we all need to be successful in our work. I believe that behavioural science is crucial to our success, and I build on climate- and environmental psychology in my work. Last but not least, I am a mom of Ellie and Valter, and it is for them an all other children in the world that I dedicate my work. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Sweden
  • Climate Pact Ambassador for Romania
officeatpursisimpluverde [dot] ro
Social media links

I am committed to bringing together all stakeholders and empowering local authorities to implement the more effective measures to achieve just transition. I am working to educate young people about the Green Deal and how they can contribute towards a cleaner future in Europe. I am also committed to informing policymakers about best courses of action through multidisciplinary research on the energy transition and climate friendly policies.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • just transition
  • Romania
  • Pact Ambassador for Romania
officeatlaurapetrescu [dot] ro
Social media links

I am deeply committed to combating climate change and promoting sustainability through education and advocacy. As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I aim to leverage my legal expertise, environmental audit skills, and academic background in environmental law to drive positive change. My activities will include creating educational content and videos, organising workshops, and collaborating with schools and communities to raise awareness on climate issues. By engaging with diverse audiences and fostering dialogue, I aspire to inspire meaningful action and contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Romania
  • Pact Ambassadsor for Lithuania
agne [dot] petrosiuteattaurage [dot] lt

I work at Taurage district municipality administration (Lithuania) as an advisor for climate neutral cities.  My thinking is that we all create a city together and therefore we all take collective responsibility for shifting the system towards climate neutrality, for us  today and for future generations. It is an opportunity to co-create the future of the city together. Therefore, my planned activities include creation of a climate neutral city strategy with a focus on stakeholder and citizen engagement as well as creating networks of green city ambassadors, also involving educational institutions as one of the primary role models. 

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • sustainable transport
  • Lithuania
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
gurgen [dot] petrosyan [dot] euatoutlook [dot] com
Număr de telefon
Social media links

I am a university student from Armenia who has always been interested in protecting our planet. I am a strong-willed advocate for the environment, the planet and people. As a European Climate Pact Ambassador my challenge is to make people understand that together, we can make a difference and protect our future. Raising awareness of climate change, impacts and solutions through school workshops, conferences and gatherings with sustainability-focused companies, will be one of my top priorities.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • just transition
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • zero pollution
  • Poland