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European Climate Pact

Ontmoet onze ambassadeurs

Ontmoet de ambassadeurs van het Europees klimaatpact, mensen die zich gepassioneerd inzetten voor het klimaat en de dingen in beweging brengen.

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Ontmoet onze ambassadeurs (762)

Resultaten 760 tot en met 762
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Italy
sergio [dot] zuppardiatlibero [dot] it

Taking care of trees, planting of new trees, protection and preservation of birds and wildlife.

Thematic areas
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • Italy
  • Pact Ambassador for Poland
martaatpocotoeko [dot] pl
Social media links

I am a sociologist and communication expert with 10 years of experience. Around 2019/2020, I experienced something that could be called climate depression. Since then, I have been involved in climate education. I am recording two podcasts. 

- Po co to eko - about what to do to make the climate our common cause. 

- Kierunek Europa - about climate policies and solutions. 

Since 2023, I have been running workshops based on the IPCC, Climate Fresk. As an Ambassador, I plan to continue these activities and more consciously support the green transformation of EU citizens at the level of knowledge and values. 

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Poland