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European Climate Pact


Explore the resources to learn more about climate-related issues and EU climate policy, and find tools to help you engage in climate action and connect with others.

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Resources (134)

Showing results 90 to 100
  • Report
  • Hoot or cool institute

Limiting the increase in global temperature requires action on demand and lifestyle changes. The project EU 1.5-degree lifestyles is here to provide data, raise awareness and offer policy solutions!

  • General publications
  • European Environment Agency

Did you know that each European citizen generates around 11g of textile waste annually? Find out more about waste prevention and recycling options.

  • Tool guidance
  • Ecosia

Ecosia is a search engine which allows you to plant trees through your searches.

  • Promotional material
  • Climate Visuals

If you need visuals that inspire people to act on climate, the Climate Visuals website and image library provides is worth having a look.

  • General publications
  • Skift - Business Climate Leaders, Zero, Future in our hands, WWF Norway

Unsure how your company can stand up for climate or whether a company is sincere in its climate actions? This guide lists ten best practices to avoid greenwashing in corporate communications.

  • Tool guidance
  • Inter-Environnement Bruxelles, Association du Quartier Léopold

Have you ever reflected on the environmental impact of demolishing a building and reconstructing a new one, compared to renovating the existing building? This tool will provide you with concrete figures.

  • Tool guidance
  • GHG Protocol

GHG is the most used standard for greenhouse emission accounting and management and its website offers online training and tools.