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European Climate Pact


Explore the resources to learn more about climate-related issues and EU climate policy, and find tools to help you engage in climate action and connect with others.

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Resources (132)

Showing results 80 to 90
  • General publications
  • IVN Natuur Educatie, Natuur & Milieu, Natuurmonumenten, Landschappen NL, Milieudefensie, Vogelbescherming Nederland, Soorten NL, IPC Groene Ruimte, De natuur en milieufederaties

Find multiple guides and best practices on how citizens and local initiatives can make their direct local environment and landscapes more sustainable.

  • Tool guidance

ClimateTimeMachine is a scientific online simulation game that allows you to time travel into the climate future and cooperate with other players – either virtually or in person.

  • Tool guidance
  • Joint Research Centre

The European Commission created this calculator as a solution to accurately measure our carbon footprint and identify where we can make meaningful changes to our lifestyles. 

  • Tool guidance
  • The Climate Fresk

Follow this interactive workshop to learn about climate change causes and consequences based on scientific evidence collected by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC).

  • Tool guidance
  • Energy Shift

Interested in solar energy? Here is the online platform created by Climate Pact Ambassador Filip Koprčina that enables citizens to co-own solar platforms and actively engage in the green energy transition.

  • Report
  • Hoot or cool institute

Limiting the increase in global temperature requires action on demand and lifestyle changes. The project EU 1.5-degree lifestyles is here to provide data, raise awareness and offer policy solutions!