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European Climate Pact
General publications

Storytelling from the Frontlines: Forefronting the voices of communities most affected by militarism and the climate crisis

This report presents a number of testimonies of people living at the frontlines of the climate crisis and at the receiving end of militarist policies.


Publication date
12 January 2024
Quaker Council for European Affairs
I am a(n)
  • Citizen
  • Educator
  • Pact community (member)
I want to know how to
  • Inspire others to take climate action
  • Take climate action in my everyday life
I am interested in
  • Countering disinformation
  • Just transition


Inspired by the Quaker practice of storytelling, the report seeks to amplify the voices of communities most affected, and the traditions of resilience they build out of necessity. Their experiences make visible the connections that exist between militarism, climate, and environmental issues around the world. They also demonstrate the crucial role creativity and imagination play in restoring our relationships with nature and each other and in finding climate solutions adapted to local needs.

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Publication_Storytelling from the Frontlines


12 JANUARY 2024
Storytelling from the Frontlines