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European Climate Pact

Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action

This 6th edition of the Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action, coinciding with the Global Stocktake progress under the Paris Agreement, examines the strategies of businesses, local governments and civil society to drive climate action since 2015.


Publication date
13 December 2023
Global Observatory of Climate Action, Enerdata
I am a(n)
  • Educator
  • Organisation (local and national authorities)
I want to know how to
  • Find out more about climate change and policy
I am interested in
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Climate science


The Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action, the flagship publication of the Climate Chance Observatory, provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made in climate action by non-state actors. It tells the story behind the figures for changes in greenhouse gas emissions and activity in the main emission sectors (energy, transport, buildings, industry, waste, land use), analysing the main levers for action and signals of transition.

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Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action


13 DECEMBER 2023
Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action