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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for France

Gabrielle Pastel

Gabrielle Pastel
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • just transition
  • France



At just 20 years old, Gabrielle co-directs the production of a podcast that features stories of individuals from around the world, both young and not-so-young, who are making a difference in their own ways for sustainable development - Causes Toujours!.

During her internship at The Boson Project, a consultancy firm specialised in human excellence, she started working for Youth Forever, an organisation that would become her partner in creating this podcast and write various articles on the expectations of the Gen Z around the world.

In parallel to her studies in a double major of Management and Modern Languages at King's College London, and an exchange year in Mexico, Gabrielle is actively involved in various forms of engagement for a fairer and more sustainable society.