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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Greece

Dimitris Symeonidis

Dimitris Symeonidis
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • oceans and other water-related
  • Greece



I am an energy policy and geopolitical risk advisor and researcher, currently working at CERTH Greece and as a PhD candidate at the University of York. I am also the founder of the Decentralized Solutions Global Network and a policy lead at YES-Europe, working with youth and local policy-makers to raise awareness on how they can convert their local communities into climate action champions.

As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I aim to maximise the undertsanding of each individual stakeholder on how they can harness existing policies to reduce their environmental footprint and how they can start the dialogue to revise any policy framework that is inhibiting that action.

But most importantly, I aim at empowering local communities in my region, helping them understand that the power is within their hands to change the narrative and take action that really mitigates the adverse effects of climate change. It is the time to stop contemplating on the damage done so far, and think of the future!