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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic

Denisa Stavinohová

Denisa  Stavinohová
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)



My name is Denisa Stavinohová and I am interested in sustainable fashion and upcycling. Three years ago, I started learning to sew, and thanks to this skill, I understood the work involved in making clothes. I became interested in who and how clothes in fast fashion brands are produced. I became interested in the effects of fast fashion on our health and the planet. On my Instagram profile @upcy_mood, I started sharing information related to the effects of the fast fashion model. I motivate people here to value and care for their clothes and I intend to continue my work in this way. I would also like to organise swaps in the kindergarten where I work or in my city. And that is because I think it's important to extend the life cycle of clothes.