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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Spain

Carmen Anahí López del Valle García

Carmen Anahí López del Valle García
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • oceans and other water-related
  • zero pollution
  • Spain



I am a law graduate from the University of Valencia and a student of the Master's Degree in Environmental Law at the Rovira y Virgili University. I am also a member of Carmen Marques Ruiz's Rainbow Warriors team, and a worker at Icatalist S.L. Additionally, I am part of the Team Europe youth association, in its Climate Emergency group of the Valencian Community delegation.

The activities that I propose are events especially targeting the younger generations so that scientific knowledge reaches them and they not only become aware but take action.

In addition, I am going to spread the word on social networks, so that those who are less interested can see evidence in small videos that can help them become aware of climate change. Finally, I will write articles on Carmen Marques's blog so that the concerns of young people are heard and as a way of disseminating everything I am learning.