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European Climate Pact


Actualité concernant les activités liées au pacte. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site web consacré à l’action de l’UE pour le climat et abonnez-vous à notre bulletin d’information.

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Actualité (56)

Résultats 40 sur 50
  • News article

With the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow now over, you might be wondering what impact the decisions taken there will have on you. We asked two climate experts fresh from Glasgow to give us their take.

  • 4 min de lecture
Why is COP26 such a big deal? Here’s everything you need to know
  • News article

This November, expect to see headline after headline focusing on COP26. We’re told that the event could be a game-changer for the climate, but before we delve into what’s up for discussion, let’s try and clear up the basics. What is COP26? Who will be there? And why’s it so important?

  • 5 min de lecture
Two wheels or two feet? Making Europe’s cities more walkable and cyclable
  • News article

Petrol and diesel cars dominate European cities, and with them come problems ranging from air pollution to traffic jams, safety issues and noise. Improving public transport is one way to fight this, but making cities safer and more pleasant for walkers and cyclists is the other piece of the puzzle.

  • 4 min de lecture
Extreme weather: how are cities and regions coping?
  • News article

This summer, we have experienced devastating effects of extreme weather in Europe – from floods in Belgium and Germany to forest fires in Greece. Such catastrophic events are becoming increasingly frequent due to the climate crisis and changing weather patterns.

  • 3 min de lecture
  • News article

September usually means the return to school and work after the summer. Although working from home is still the rule for many, others will find the daily commute a regular feature of their lives once again.

  • 3 min de lecture
The Climate Pact Day of Action inspires pledges for our planet
  • News article

On 29 June, over 1,400 people signed up for the Climate Pact Day of Action to discover what we can do in our own worlds, whether that be at home, at work or in school, or in the wider community to help protect our planet.  

  • 4 min de lecture