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European Climate Pact
  • Training and workshops

Satellite event: Krißenbewegung

In this performance club, we try to find forms for the climate crisis. Do you want to move with us? Join our crisis movement.

How can we find performative forms in dealing with the (climate) crisis? Can physical expression help to process climate feelings? And how can theoretical concepts be translated into movement? We are asking ourselves these and other questions in the new format Krißenbewegung. Based on the workshops ‘performatives Verweben’ (performative interweaving) as part of artmospheres I&II, we are initiating a performative, collaborative format at ßpace. We will meet for the first time on 5 February from 6:30–9:00 p.m. as an open group. You are welcome to come by, regardless of whether you have already had performative experiences or not. Please register in advance so that we can plan better: johannatrautmannatdieanstoss [dot] de (johannatrautmann[at]dieanstoss[dot]de) Together we will start our crisis movement!


  • climate change
  • Wednesday 5 February 2025, 18:30 - 21:00 (CET)
  • Karlsruhe, Germany

Practical information

Wednesday 5 February 2025, 18:30 - 21:00 (CET)
Fritz-Erler-Str. 7, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
die Anstoß e.V.
More information