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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Netherlands

Anila Noor

Anila Noor
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • just transition
  • other
  • Netherlands



Drawing from my own experiences as a refugee from Kashmir, Pakistan, I am committed to ensuring meaningful participation in climate conversations. I am on a mission to link climate change and displacement, advocating for the inclusion of marginalised voices especially women, in global discussions. I actively promote the intersection of climate change, displacement, and international dialogues. My extensive experience as an advisor and consultant to institutions such as the UN, EU Commission, World Bank, WTO, GIZ, and more has provided valuable insights into the importance of women of color participating in projects focused on diversity and inclusion. I am dedicated to empowering women in displacement situations and advocating for feminist foreign policies. My mission is clear: to influence decision-making processes, bridge gaps in global discussions, and ensure that the most vulnerable to climate change are not left behind.