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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Portugal

Ana Milhazes

Ana Milhazes
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Portugal



As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I am deeply committed to driving positive change in the realm of climate action. With a background in organising workshops and lectures on climate change awareness, I am eager to expand my reach and impact as an Ambassador. My goal is to inspire and equip individuals and communities with practical tools to reduce their carbon footprint and embrace a zero-waste lifestyle. Additionally, I will continue my collaborations with environmental non-profit organisations, further amplifying our collective efforts in climate action and conservation. Through my website and social media platforms, I aim to disseminate informative content on sustainable practices, empowering a wider audience to join the movement. Moreover, I am dedicated to advocating for conscious travel, striving to leave a positive impact on the places I visit. And next year between January and February I will undertake a big trip all focused on sustainability.