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European Climate Pact
European Climate Pact Ambassador in Croatia

Gordana Lalić

I am the director of a municipal company that drives energy efficiency and climate change projects in the Croatian city of Poreč-Parenzo. I focus on synergies between local, regional and national levels to inspire and accelerate climate actions.

Ambassador Gordana Lalić
Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • sustainable transport
  • Croatia



As the director of the City of Poreč-Parenzo municipal company that has coordinated the implementation of 40 projects in the field of energy efficiency, e-mobility, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, Gordana, author of all, so far, developed strategic documents at local level, aimed to achieving the European climate target goals, has dedicated her professional career to creating synergies between local, regional and national levels in order to inspire and accelerate climate actions.


Read more about Gordana and her actions that are making a difference