Aitor Sánchez García - European Union Skip to main content
An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
European Climate Pact
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Spain

Aitor Sánchez García

Aitor Sánchez García
Thematic areas
  • food systems
  • Spain



I work as a scientific outreacher, dietitian and food technologist.

I have been working since 2010 in blogospher, radio and TV.

During 2021 and 2022 I will be specially focused in diets which could fight climate change from different platforms:

  1. My social accounts (FB, TW, IG and Youtube). Where I have more than 600k people as my audience
  2. (@Midietacojea)
  3. Radio and TV programms. I work in RNE and TVE (Radio-Televisión Española)
  4. My last book. "Your diet could save the planet".