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European Climate Pact
Pact Ambassador for Netherlands

Ally Zlatar

Ally  Zlatar
Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • Netherlands



I am an artist, scholar, and activist who uses art as a powerful tool to drive change and spark dialogue on complex human experiences. My journey into activism began as a result of my own experience with chronic illness, particularly an eating disorder that lasted for over a decade, making me deeply aware of the pharmaceutical industry's impact on health and the environment. This realisation led me to create art and lead public art-activism campaigns, aiming to address the environmental impact of the pharmaceutical industry. I have had the privilege of engaging in dialogues with major pharmaceutical companies worldwide, sharing my art, voice, and lived experiences to advocate for sustainable solutions. This experience ignited my passion for climate activism, and I have since championed both ecology and human health through art activism. My recent work, 'Voices Above Water,' consists of art reflection cards designed to support mental well-being in the face of climate anxiety.