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European Climate Pact

Meet our Ambassadors

Meet the European Climate Pact Ambassadors – people passionate about climate action and making change happen. Find out more about how you can apply to become a Pact Ambassador.

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Meet our Ambassadors (18)

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  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
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As a Climate Pact Ambassador, I will organise a documentary film festival for public and school children in socially excluded area to raise their awareness about climate change and climate justice issues.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
debinderovaatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

My aim is to create a activities database that anyone can open and easily pick a activity or a game related to nature and climate change for their children. Whether it is a teacher in primary school or non-formal educator, they should be able to quickly find all materials - rules, needed equipment and facts - in one place.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Czechia
Social media links

My main motivations to be an Ambassador are my will to fight continuous flow of misinformation and denial of science, and also my desire to educate across age groups on the choices and options we have to change our destiny. As I enter the years when I start thinking about having children, I realize more each day that I do not want them to live in the future we are on our way to if no action is taken to combat climate change. Urgent action is needed and I want to contribute as much as I can, while I still can.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
petr [dot] danisatterezanet [dot] cz
Social media links

I have been working as an environmental educator for over 20 years. Mostly with students and teachers, fostering environmental programs at schools all over Czechia. In 2020 I led a national working group developing a first set of recommendations for climate change education in our country. Then we established a website aimed at supporting teachers through lesson plans on climate change. But I realised it is not just the young generation who is in need of education. So I wrote and published a book on climate change solutions, because there was no such book in Czech language. The book received very positive feedback and people wrote to me it helped them understand green transition and find their role in it. As a Climate Pact Ambassador I plan to focus on awareness raising of the influential public: business people, media and educators. I want to promote the distribution of the book to more people, talk about climate action at different events and use social media to spread the word.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
rozi [dot] haskoatseznam [dot] cz
Social media links

As a committed Climate Pact Ambassador, my mission is to spread awareness about environmental protection and the EU's role in fostering sustainability. Through engaging school workshops and impactful social media content, I strive to reach diverse audiences, particularly the younger generation, making sustainability appealing and easily understandable. Additionally, I actively participate in panel discussions and events to foster dialogue and understanding about climate policies within the community. Organising a discussion on the Green Deal serves to enhance public awareness of lesser-known policies, sparking crucial conversations about environmental protection. Join me in this meaningful journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
patrikatstartupdisrupt [dot] com
Social media links

I am the founder of the global platform for innovators, Startup Disrupt, which aims to support founders with global ambitions to improve the world. As part of our movement, we are organisers of the European innovative conference Sustainable Future, where we aim to share the latest trends and best practices in sustainability and connect the startup founders, innovators, private and public sector players, NGOs, and the academic sphere to work together on this mission.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
koubkova [dot] terkaatgmail [dot] com

I will focus on developing systematic education for young people on environmental topics through the creation of educational videos for schools. However, I will continue to address the general public on these subjects, through my social networks, which I plan to expand with video interviews revealing greenwashing and discussing the commitments of both small and large companies.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green buildings, renovation wave
  • green skills
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
ver [dot] kralovaatemail [dot] cz
Social media links

Hey, My name is Veronika Kralova and I'm from the Czech Republic. I study at the Faculty of Law in Prague and I work at the Academy of Sciences at the Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability. I'm one of the founders of Mater Nostra, a University association that focuses on the climate crisis as well as feminism and LGBTQ+ rights.

As an ambassador, I will be spreading awareness about the climate crisis by organizing events and creating workshops. Moreover, I will be educating myself by attending workshops and lectures organised by the Climate Pact.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czechia
jirimaliko3atgmail [dot] com

My aim is to produce a pilot Landscape Adaptation Plan for the Czech Republic and to extend our model to the whole EU and then to other countries in the world that have weak resilience to climate change. I want to focus with my team on education on climate impacts, training local people in each country through a network of national coordinators, science and research, developing our IT method using citizen science and machine learning, getting young people to adapt landscapes and settlements.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • green skills
  • just transition
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
matouskova [dot] klaraaticloud [dot] com
Social media links

As a scientist in environmental chemicals and medical doctor, my activities coalesce around the impact of chemical pollution on our health. Everyday chemicals in personal care products, food and food contact materials, and in fabric and household items, microplastics and plastic additives, all take a toll on our health and the living environment while translating into climate change, and deteriorated sustainability and degraded biodiversity. I am committed to connecting environmental pollution and human health for medical professionals and beyond. 

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
kater [dot] mazanatgmail [dot] com
Social media links

I will help spread awareness about climate change. As a privileged person, because of where I was born, I want not only me but also my children to step on green grass with their bare feet one day in the season when grass is supposed to grow. I want as many people as possible to understand the seriousness of the situation and understand why it is so important. Without increased awareness, nothing will change.

Thematic areas
  • circular economy / sustainable consumption
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
kubiknekvasilatseznam [dot] cz
Social media links

My name is Jakub Nekvasil, and I am a 17-year-old student at a Prague high school. I founded an NGO Telperion ( to raise awareness around climate change and to inspire climate action, focusing mainly on young people. We organise programmes for schools, scouts, and the general public. With one of my projects “Klimatické dny” (Climate Days), I was among the last four candidates selected for the prestigious youth Czech climate award “Cena Josefa Vavrouška”, organised by the Czech Partnership Foundation. I became a local coordinator in the implementation of the Living Landscape project, focusing on water retention. Wherever I am, I try to influence people to assume responsibility for climate, to think about their everyday habits, and to take climate action. I try to show people around me that each small step counts, and that these small steps will eventually make a big difference.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Czech Republic
Social media links

As a student in Environmental Chemistry, I have a great passion for climate protection. My ambition is to engage with local communities and in particular with young people, in order to ensure that those who will live on this Earth for the years to come can now shape its future.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • just transition
  • sustainable transport
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
mrguezpalomequeatoutlook [dot] com
Social media links

I am an eighteen-year-old activist and storyteller born in southern Mexico. I have been involved in human rights, climate justice, and gender activism for several years. In my work, I focus on the importance of intersectionality in social movements. I am currently a member of the Youth Advisory Board for the UN Foundation's Girl Up initiative in Mexico and the Youth Advisory Council for World Ocean Day. For my work, I was named Young Leader 2023 by the WOW Foundation.

As an Ambassador, my main objective is to promote environmental awareness through educational resources that frame the current climate crisis as an issue of social and intersectional justice. In addition, I plan to create activities and projects that promote the leadership of the most vulnerable communities in the face of the climate crisis. In this term, I will focus on using writing and advocacy as key tools to motivate climate action among the new generation of leaders.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • oceans and other water-related
  • other
  • sustainable food
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
denisa [dot] stavinohovaatseznam [dot] cz
Social media links

My name is Denisa Stavinohová and I am interested in sustainable fashion and upcycling. Three years ago, I started learning to sew, and thanks to this skill, I understood the work involved in making clothes. I became interested in who and how clothes in fast fashion brands are produced. I became interested in the effects of fast fashion on our health and the planet. On my Instagram profile @upcy_mood, I started sharing information related to the effects of the fast fashion model. I motivate people here to value and care for their clothes and I intend to continue my work in this way. I would also like to organise swaps in the kindergarten where I work or in my city. And that is because I think it's important to extend the life cycle of clothes.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • European Climate Pact Ambassador in Czechia
Social media links

My ambition is to connect and engage entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholders through facilitated interactions organized by our organization. We are newly established non-for-profit focusing on enlightenment and education in the areas of impact and green technology entrepreneurship for new entrepreneurs, startups, investors and general public. The role of Climate Pact Ambassador can strengthen our mission to highlight the importance of the issue of sustainability in entrepreneurship and advocacy.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green skills
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
Annieann97atgmail [dot] com
Social media links

My name is Annie and I am a passionate planet-lover, film addict and climate advocate. I work as an environmental consultant at a Film Academy in Prague and a research assistant at an Environmental Psychology think-tank. I am also a programmer at a documentary film festival that aims to popularise science. Through my work and other activities (e.g., various workshops, screenings, publications and research) I hope to help build spaces for curiosity and mutual understanding in the context of the changing climate as well as support others with the tools, strategies and active hope to participate in the fight for a more just and sustainable future.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • green areas: flora, biodiversity
  • just transition
  • other
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)
  • Pact Ambassador for Czech Republic
nellyvondraatgmail [dot] com

I am a third year bachelor student who is interested in both law and environmental policy. Therefore, I aim to raise public awareness and knowledge about climate change. Climate change is happening right now and everywhere. Thus, it is essential to act urgently. As a new European Climate Pact Ambassador, I would like to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection, especially through the creativity and collaboration efforts with other local associations with similar aims like me. Concretely, my project and planned actions will touch SDG number 12.3 issues related to climate change and food security. My goal is to meet the compromise of sustainable development for the future generations and provide sufficient knowledge to all indivials about challenges and solutions related to climate change.

Thematic areas
  • climate education & awareness raising
  • energy
  • no specific thematic focus
  • oceans and other water-related
  • sustainable food
  • sustainable transport
  • zero pollution
  • Czechia (Czech Republic)